Who are some of your favourite dancers? For the past 11 years, my favourite dancer has been Nick Lazzarini. I first watched him on So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD) when he won season one. Number two on my list is SYTYCD season two runner-up and Emmy award-winning choreographer Travis Wall.
Well, then you can only imagine how excited I was when I found out that Nick, Travis and a star-studded company of other dancers, including Jaimie Goodwin and Ricky Ubeda (both of whom are also on my list of favourite dancers), were coming to Calgary as part of Shaping Sound’s North American tour.
Madeline and I were very excited to meet the amazing Travis Wall (centre).
The entire event was amazing! Music was blasting in the theatre before the show started, to pump everyone up. As expected, the show was absolutely phenomenal. It was such a treat to see the dancers in an actual full show, as opposed to just dance numbers on YouTube from classes and conventions, and the usual TV guest spots, award shows and SYTYCD.
And I was introduced to the gorgeous Kyle Robinson, who is now at the top of my list of favourite dancers. It was my first time seeing Kyle and I was blown away by his stunning technique, lines, partnering skills, versatility and acting ability. It was also wonderful to see Canadian Lindsay Leuschner work it onstage.
Kyle Robinson is one sensational dancer! It was my pleasure seeing him onstage for the first time and meeting him after the show.
During intermission, the beats kept pumping in the theatre and the lobby. After the show, many of the dancers, including Travis, Ricky and Kyle came out to the lobby and graciously met everyone. They signed autographs and enthusiastically had their photos taken.
I asked Ricky which city has been his favourite stop on the tour so far and he said Portland, Oregon. The correct answer would have been Calgary, but he was so superb in the show, I’ll let it slide this time!
I can't believe I got to meet Ricky Ubeda, winner of season 11 of SYTYCD and Broadway dancer. I look like a giant compared to Ricky!
Meanwhile, dancer Daniel Gaymon mentioned that he really enjoyed the snowy weather in Calgary. Seeing how he’s from Columbia, South Carolina, I guess snow must be a novelty for him. Just like how hot weather and beaches are a novelty for us!
I also met Rory Freeman, who has previously appeared in Taylor Swift’s Shake it Off video. I asked Rory what his favourite piece in the show is and he said the Bohemian Rhapsody piece. No surprise there – the Bohemian Rhapsody number is a dynamite number that features all the guys in the show. The cast performed it on Ellen a few weeks ago – check out the video.
These fellas were such gents! Shaping Sound's Rory Freeman (far left) and Daniel Gaymon (far right) took the time to chat with Madeline and me. They were so down to earth and friendly! While much of the attention has been focused on the principal dancers, these two dancers are also truly superb.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed that Shaping Sound will continue to include Canadian cities in their tours! Attending their show last weekend was simply amazing. Click here to read my full review of the show.